Layer Upon Layer

When you live with chronic health conditions, there is often a background stress story, running along your life, at all times. Sometimes it pushes right up against you, other times, it can fade into the background – but it’s always there. If you have a hidden disability like me, most people will forget that you…

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All in The Family – World Diabetes Day 2019

Copywriter Adelaide Dr Helen Edwards

I still can’t believe I actually finished my PhD and am Dr Edwards! My topic, Supporting the Journey of Pregnancy for Women with type 1 diabetes, is very personal. I was diagnosed with #type1diabetes in January 1980, aged 12 year old. I was told, along with many things, that I would never have children and that if…

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Let It Go

how to let go of anxiety and deal with the haters on social media

In the chaos of the world, do you wonder what on earth you are doing sometimes? Does worrying become your everyday companion? Does the relentless stream of information coming at you, make you feel like you are drowning? It can feel like everything is pointless. It can feel like there is nothing you can do…

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Why Anxiety Is Not All In Your Head

It was a regular Saturday night, late last November. My 20 year old son came home with a mate and their take-away dinners, and I couldn’t bear the smell. I started to feel sick. My hubby came home from bowling, hungry for his dinner too. I had to leave the room, the smell was so…

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