The Amazing Pigeons of WWII
My current work, an historical fiction WWII drama, set at the time of the Darwin bombings and moving to Lake Boga and the top secret Flying Boat base, has two main characters – one is a 13 yr old girl called Ava. The other is her young homing Pigeon called Essie, who plays a very…
Read MoreVisiting Mt Buffalo and The Chalet
Research is at the centre of all good stories, whether they are fact or fiction. Even the most fantastical tale must be believable, within the context of the story and characters. Research can of course be undertaken via books and online resources, at libraries, museums and historical sites, through interviews and other media and via…
Read MoreThe Magic of Mountains
I was thinking recently, about why mountains often seem to feature in my stories. Mountains have always been magical to me. As a small girl, living in Port Augusta, South Australia, camping in the purple-blue mountains of the Flinders Ranges was a regular part of our lives. Later, we moved to the very flat wheat-coloured…
Read MorePublishing News!
As I write this, the door propped open, birds singing in spring rain, I am filled with joy and excitement to announce that my debut middle-grade novel – an Australian historical fiction time-slip adventure, set at Mt Buffalo, inspired by and featuring Guide Alice Manfield – will be published by Riveted Press/Yellow Brick Books, in…
Read MoreSeven Tips For Writers to Improve Your Social Media
We all know social media can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to our personal and our professional lives. I can’t count the number of times, I’ve seen conversations online, about which platform is your ‘favourite’ and which ones you would like to ditch. But whether you love or hate it, social…
Read MoreTen Tips on Writing & Publishing
I have had a lot of people asking me lately about how to begin writing a story. In particular, a number of readers have asked me about sharing parts of their own history. So, I thought I would share some tips from my personal experience. I began writing stories when I was just a little…
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