The Gargoyle by Zana Fraillon & Ross Morgan

The Gargoyle Zana Fraillon, Ross Morgan

Zana Fraillon knows how to write a story filled with magic and wonder. She also knows how to expertly draw you into the worlds she creates, fully and wide-eyed, leaving you with a permanent imprint on your heart. Her latest book – The Gargoyle – with stunning illustrations by Ross Morgan, is a picture book…

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Saving Charli by Di Walker

Di Walker is not afraid to broach difficult themes in her middle-grade novels. I have read all three of her books and reviewed her last one Every Thing We Keep here. Di is able to access the teen voice with great skill, taking you inside the head and heart of her main characters, while at…

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Reading Pictures – Drawing Words: Database of Picture Books for Older Readers

The National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc (NCACL) is an incredible collection of resources about Australian authors, illustrators, publishers and their creative works. The collection holds books, artwork, ephemera, authors’ papers and manuscripts, and author and illustrator research files. It forms a unique and special resource that is the keeper of Australian children’s stories.…

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The Rebels of Mount Buffalo by Helen Edwards

I am standing on the tops of mountains to announce the title of my debut historical fiction time-slip: DRUM ROLL PLEASE! THE REBELS OF MOUNT BUFFALO!! #RebelsofMountBuffalo I LOVE it so much! As well as featuring the setting of stunning Mount Buffalo, it plays on Guide Alice being a rebel of her time, and how…

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Sunday Skating by Andrea Rowe & Hannah Sommerville

Sunday Skating by Andrea Rowe

Andrea Rowe and Hannah Sommerville are a dynamic author-illustrator team, creating the much-loved and award-winning, Jetty Jumping. There has been high anticipation about their next book – Sunday Skating – and they do not disappoint! In this gloriously illustrated picture book, Andrea and Hannah take us back to the world of Jetty Jumping, with familiar…

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The Fix-it Princess by Janeen Brian & Cherie Dignam

A twisty-turny fantasy romp, with heart, humour, do-it-yourself projects and a singing dragon. Two days ago, Mum-Queen and Dad-King happily flew off in the Wing-Thing that Princess Shona, the Fix-it Princess, had made them. Shona hasn’t sighted them since. And that’s a worry. But Shona is a princess with a Can-Do attitude. After all, she…

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