Finding a voice
So this is a blog about interior decorating with a difference. Yet green decorating is not a new idea. Using second hand items is as old as time. Sustainable building practices and eco friendly green design have been around for a while. Once you start looking you find the web is full of blogs, websites, services and ideas about how you can make a difference to your home while being friendly to the planet. Blogging has opened up a whole new world for people who create, craft, upcycle and redo their homes and what goes in them and it is wonderful.
I am not new to the online space, in fact I am somewhat of a pioneer, having started in 2001 when the Internet was but a baby. I have blogged, tweeted, facebooked and everything in between for years. I know social media and online networking inside out and have built a large following within the diabetes online community. But here I sit starting a new direction, adding another blog to my bow!
And it is really crazy! There are so many wonderful and amazing bloggers out there in the world of interior decorating and design, many of them mum’s like me, with passion in their bellies. So what am I doing here? What am I aiming to do? I think that there is a space for me, for my voice. It is just finding that voice and making it fit with all of the others that are already out there.
My voice is firmly set around “homes with heart” -sharing how my home is full of heart and what this means. Trying to find ways to share this with others. Putting my 25 years as a social worker understanding people, together with my passion for shopping vintage, op shops, exploring ways to upcycle and recycle furniture and decor, art, sourcing sustainable products and most of all, understanding how us crazy, mixed up,beautiful human creatures work and how we can best fill our homes with love for ourselves, each other and the planet.
If you are sitting there among all of this beautiful blogging world and can hear my little voice starting to speak – thanks for listening.
Love it! Will visit you again! I have a house full of green!
thanks Cathy and thanks for visiting! 🙂