Legend of The Lighthouse Moon, by Helen Edwards

Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

I’m very excited to announce the title for my next middle-grade novel – Legend of the Lighthouse Moon! I absolutely love this story about 13-year-old Mona McKenna, a girl living in 1970 with type 1 diabetes in an island lighthouse, featuring the stunning backdrop of Kangaroo Island and the gorgeous and endangered sea lions, as…

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Book Updates and Grant News!

I am a writer who always begins a new project as soon as the last one is complete. I give myself a few days and then I move on to something new. It helps with the grief of leaving the world and the characters I have created, not that you really leave them. There are…

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The Resilient Writer Online Course

Online writing courses australia

I am very excited to launch my brand new online course for writers – The Resilient Writer – with the very lovely Anna Featherstone at Bold Authors. When Anna approached me about developing a course, this one was already sitting inside of me, waiting to pour out. I had been working on the idea of…

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National Railway Museum, Port Adelaide

In my WWII historical fiction story, which I am editing at the moment, ready to send to publishers, my main character Ava, takes a difficult journey from Darwin with her mam, after the bombings tear their lives apart. Part of the journey is via train, on the disjointed narrow gauge lines that existed then, from…

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Author & Speaker/Workshop Bookings for 2023

Dr Helen Edwards Children's Author AUstralia

I cannot believe it is almost the end of 2022. Things always seem to begin to move very quickly once we get to October. I have been busy with my head buried in my debut manuscript, working on edits for my publisher, and have just sent it to her, so I am up for air!…

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