7 Reasons Why Thrift Shopping is Good for You
Shopping in second hand, thrift or op shops (opportunity shops) is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. Are you a thrift or op shop lover like me? I have grown up wandering through second hand and vintage shops, so for me it is second nature. I remember when my dear darling friend Denice, who has now passed away, discovered them for the first time. I wrote this poem for her when we said goodbye. She was living with breast cancer and on a journey of self discovery. One of the things we explored together was decoupage and this led her to going into an op shop looking for things to upcycle.
This was the beginning of a love affair for her and just part of my love affair with this darling human being. What she told me was how she had thought they were just dusty and musty and for people who couldn’t afford to shop in the stores. What she found was that some of them were in fact dusty and musty, but that this was part of their charm. Others were definitely NOT dusty and musty, and more like an everyday store, but full of history, stories, bargains and treasures. I think the stories and the history is one of the best parts of buying from op shops.
We created many shared stories together and one was how we spent many long lovely days while the kids were at school together, planning our op shop routes. Eventually she was telling ME about a new one she had found, the little off the beaten track ones, with the true essence of a charity shop still at the heart of them. I loved that. I think this is one of the reasons you love thrift and op shops- it is all the stories behind the objects you can find. They have not been mass produced and they all hold a story from their previous owners.
I go through periods of going regularly to look for what is on offer, hoping for that great piece, or heading in when I just need a piece of clothing or something for the house, to staying away as I just get too tempted to bring home more stuff. They are a central part of my shopping and my life.
So, if you have not ever been to one, or even if you are an old hand like me, here are 7 reasons why thrift shopping is good for you.
1) They are COOL
Yep that is right. Once the thing we didn’t speak about, or the domain just for people who couldn’t afford to shop in the “real stores”, all the hipster cool kids are frequenting op shops now and they have become a core part of many people’s shopping routines. Part of the thrill is not knowing what you will find. You may have to visit a few before you find a treasure. Get amongst it!
2) There are bargains to be had
You will save some cash. There is no doubt at all on this one. Although being cool has elevated the prices in some charity stores, they are usually well below that of the new stores. Look for smaller op shops, rather than the chains, who still offer extraordinarily cheap prices in many cases. For example in my local area there is the Animal Welfare League Shop, a couple of Church Op Shops and a lovely little Save The Children outlet.
3) There are often very well made, quality items that last
I have found so many beautiful pieces of furniture, art and collectibles. The thrill of the hunt is what keeps many of us regulars going back, as you never know when today will be the day!
4) You can find stuff to upcycle and create with
All of you Upcyclers out there, these are the forests of the upcycling world, full of an endless supply of things! Look for old glasses to upcycle into candle jars or centrepieces for your table, trays to turn into chalkboards or paint with Chalk Paint for your coffee table display, vintage fabrics and tea towels to turn into cushion covers, daggy ornaments can become masterpieces with a paint job, furniture runs wild in many op shops and can be used as is, or given a new lease of life.
5) You can find designer clothes at a cheap price
I have found so many labels in op shops, especially those situated in the more affluent areas. I have a policy of flicking through racks and not picking up anything with a Target or K Mart label as they are cheap to start with – I look for the designer labels and usually find something every time I go.
6) You are stopping stuff going to landfill
This is just too simple. By buying things that already exist and would have been tossed out you are prolonging their life. Even better, in the true sense of Upcycling, consider what you will do with the item once you no longer have a need for it, so you also don’t end up sending it to landfill.
7) You are supporting good causes in most cases and you can feel good
There is definitely a feel good factor in shopping in an op shop. Most are run by churches, community groups and charities and much of their funds raised goes back to support their cause.
Can’t get a better win win win than that. Great for people, planet and home.
So where are your favourite thrift or op shops?
I visit Op-Shops EVERY day….Throughout the year the Treasures I source are used in my home or my business to tell my story….We have a ‘no new’ policy here at Casa de SVJ so unless it was handmade or MADE IN AUSTRALIA it doesn’t cross our threshold….There is the odd exception for the sake of practicality or necessity however, Op-Shopping makes this rule so EASY to stick to….!!!!!
I rarely shop anywhere else these days.
Op shopping was so much fun until they started streamlining and sending furniture to set stores and clothing to others and pricing like retail stores! It lost its fun suprise factor. I have started visiting again recently but the increased prices no longer really make things a bargain, I guess that is wjat happens when vintage is in demand!
Love op shopping
Us too!! Shabby Vintage Junk
me either Brenda Hill:)
that is true! MissEmmajane Phillpotts
I love op shopping!!
I recently started volunteering at a local op shop that I frequent. I can confirm that everything is reused & sold in some way so there’s minimal that goes to landfill. So many interesting things come through the doors.
Brenda well done to sort display and sell and knowing that you made someone smile.
fabulous Brenda Hill 🙂
I have worked in an op shop helping disabled adults learn some valuable tasks and to boost their confidence. So I have bought quite a few goodies, I still visit them regularly hoping to find that one fantastic item.
Fabulous U0001f601
I don’t have the inclination (or invitations) to go “pub crawling”
But I’ll happily participate in Op Shop “trawling.”
We’ve had one in Hopetoun for years and years
Staffed by cheerful volunteers.
Happy to unpack and stack,
To the community proceeds are given back.
And we can leave our surplus stuff for them to sell,
Practising the recycling message very well.
As you travel the highways up and down
We spot them in the little towns.
A bit of a browse would be great
If our drivers would cooperate!
It’s always worth having a look
For a pretty vase or a classic book.
Sometimes you can’t believe your eyes
Discovering a really nice surprise!
Someone else’s donated rejection
Just the thing for your collection!
A few dollars spent to give you pleasure
Only you decide if it’s trash or treasure.
Winter’s almost here, to keep us warm and snug
Pretty sure we’ll always find a colourful crocheted rug.
Chilly nights may come but I’ll not freeze
With squares of leftover wool upon my knees.
A lot for a little is what we can achieve –
Some places have Op Shop Tours, so I believe!
I’m sure our local ladies wouldn’t frown
If we checked out shops in other towns.
So who wants to join my Op Shopping Gang?
Going as far afield as Woomelang !
I used to always visit the Animal Welfare League op shop at Magill. Found so many terrific things over the years. The volunteers were always so helpful there! Love looking in Op Shops in country towns. U0001f499
Therese Axford-Ivers
So right Helen. I must be a cool hipster type!! Clara U0001f341U0001f341
Amy Weegberg
I love op shopping though I don’t get to do it as much these days. My kids used to moan about going with me, but now that my eldest is out of the house he spends time going through them too and much of his wardrobe is op shop sourced, by choice and poor uni student necessity. Now he can appreciate the good parts of op shopping including stories and histories, stopping waste and helping others. Last time I visited him he took me around his share house showing me all his op shop or roadside scores, was a proud moment.
Shannon McDonald
Pamela Lowry Valerio U0001f600
I did some op shopping today at 3 stores. Can’t keep away from them U0001f603
See Jason Johnson it’s good for you
Rachel Quittenden Toni Schiltz and Matt Danaher who does not understand
Got my bargain for the day!
Phil Randles Tracy Hosford get those pallets ready and build the house in prep for all those visitors. X
Love it Soph – charming so much soul xxx
You and me Deb Edwards Fenton U0001f609
Jade… i think you knew this 😉
Tammie Lewis
I look on it as my own personal treasure hunt, and I have found some absolute treasures, totally addicted!
Haven’t read it yet, but I am positive I could come up with more than 7. U0001f602U0001f602
Kim Lawrence U0001f609
<3 Helene Wild
you are the QUEEN of op! Brenda Hill
it’s a really good one Jan Withers x
I ADORE this idea! Thank you for sharing Jessica Rose x
<3 Kaye Woods you need to write a poetry book
you definitely are! Carolyn Correll 🙂
Corli Van Rensburg
Allan Williams
How cool is this Kirsty Watts. Colour!!
Kate Hill
Love it!
Jessica Milne!!!
So cool!! U0001f60e
Melissa Anne told ya!! U0001f609
Karina …. Lol
Love love love finding beautiful things to love in what others throw away
Karen James
I love op shopping so much I bought a great op shop bus tour business in Adelaide. It’s great fun, meet lovely people and know that we are supporting charities, the community and helping the environment.
me too Kerrie Murphy 🙂
Renee Renée Fisher
Only 7???
Jess Osypenko
Kym Briskey not that you need a reason but loved this and made me think of you xx
Pauline Smith
Angela Dawes
My Sis & I Op shop…Precious Bargains…
me too Kym Briskey
lol Regina Dudek 🙂
Jamie Lea we’ve known this all along
Sarah Joy Reeve U0001f60a
Katie Whiting
I am an opshop queen, love it, like you I’m always looking for that treasure.
Tammie Lewis
Jade Ipsaryanos
I can write a book on why it’s good for you U0001f602
just love everything about thrift store shopping – money goes to good cause, re-cycling, love finding bargains especially furniture! It’s exciting never knowing what you might find.
Yep really good helps my mental healthU0001f61cU0001f61cU0001f61cU0001f61c
Can we go back to saying op shopping???
Tracie Morrissey Lee-Anne Tunneycliff Duncan
Love op shopping xx
I don’t have the inclination (or invitations) to go “pub crawling”
But I’ll happily participate in Op Shop “trawling.”
We’ve had one in Hopetoun for years and years
Staffed by cheerful volunteers.
Happy to unpack and stack,
To the community proceeds are given back.
And we can leave our surplus stuff for them to sell,
Practising the recycling message very well.
As you travel the highways up and down
We spot them in the little towns.
A bit of a browse would be great
If our drivers would cooperate!
It’s always worth having a look
For a pretty vase or a classic book.
Sometimes you can’t believe your eyes
Discovering a really nice surprise!
Someone else’s donated rejection
Just the thing for your collection!
A few dollars spent to give you pleasure
Only you decide if it’s trash or treasure.
Winter’s almost here, to keep us warm and snug
Pretty sure we’ll always find a colourful crocheted rug.
Chilly nights may come but I’ll not freeze
With squares of leftover wool upon my knees.
A lot for a little is what we can achieve –
Some places have Op Shop Tours, so I believe!
I’m sure our local ladies wouldn’t frown
If we checked out shops in other towns.
So who wants to join my Op Shopping Gang?
Going as far afield as Woomelang !
Sandy Provis
My favourite kind of shopping…..
I call it op shopping still i love doing it
Denise Smith xx
Kim Lawrence U0001f609
Love them!
the more the merrier!
me too 🙂
I say op shop, but often our overseas followers don’t know what that means, so was being international as we know what both mean 😉
such fun!
me too x
you know that is so true!
it is a win win win!
Jodie Talbot
I have to get my fix every week I LOVE the opp shops 🙂
Could not agree more! My latest upcycle, a thrifted chair reborn to auction at my son’s primary school art show. All money goes to the school.
ACTUALLY Helen, I was going to ask you where to find some good thrift shops in Adelaide when I visit! Maybe I will need a guide…..?! Are you up for it?!
So so true
My eight yo neice is addicted to op shops!! She loves a good bargain U0001f60a
oh yes!! Sue Harverson I am thinking of doing some op shop tours! I can definitely give you a great run down!
me too Shirene Mclennan Devlin!!
How cute!!
so much more satisfying too I find!
Heather Brophy
Amy White
Claire Hogan
Erin Higgins
Jane A Devlin
In my family we call it Wombling.Dont know if anyone remembers the Wombles”Making good use of the things that we find.Things that the everyday folk leave behind!”
I do remember the Wombles xxx love that
love going through op shops & antique shops too!
Love them! I’ve written similar posts U0001f604
Gwen O’Connor
Love it? Ha! I live for it! 🙂 …. well … I enjoy it a lot anyway!
Who needs a reason when it just…..feels soooooo good?
Mary Sellars
Sensational! I am there week before Christmas! Busy time I know…
This is great, I love it!
Most amazing places to shop..a step back in time. The fashions are just adorable too 🙂
Love op shopping even when im cashed up … I have been called aunty op shop …..
Oh yes!
Love the history
It’s the best stress reliever of all.
Yep, I find it relaxing and a pick me up too, especially if you find a Bargain and something you love.
The only way to shop..:)
Love thrift shopping Di
Omg I have that photo I have been there patti
Well where would that b I don’t recall going there
Very true xx
My greatest part time pleasure
It’s even better when someone tells you the top ur wearing cost me Mmmmmm$2 but still in the shop for $89. You do the math.
Nice to potter
and a hundred reasons why it’s better for the environment…
Melissa Guedes – who knew we were saving the planet 🙂
you are !! 🙂
Back at you lol
Rina Flemming Carla Jane Jodie Frost-Foster we already know
Yes I agree with all 7 U0001f33aU0001f496
Love it too – maybe we should do a goodwood mums op shop Saturday with lunch – that would be so much fun xxx missing you Milli old girl 🙂 xx
I would love that Melissa Hunt yes let’s do it soon!!!!! U0001f496U0001f49c
how totally wonderful! I love this idea!
such a great shop!
love your work!
you just never know what you will find!
yes that is true in some places for sure!
@Shabby Vintage Junk fabulous!
You don’t have to convince me!
Love me a good Op Shop…..I also donate my unwanted goods regularly as this is my way of helping out the community. I have a fab little Vinnies just down the road from my place.
Just shopped up a storm at the Salvoes at Gepps Cross 🙂 New work pants for 4.25, glass fish bowl 6.25 (no idea what to do with it but can’t go past that) and many young girls clothes including a skirt that prompted squeals of delight. Pumpkin patch, osh kosh, etc. Love it!
woohoo!! Great haul
I can think of 10 million reasons U0001f609
yes me too!
Because now I have conference wear? Is that one of the reasons? U0001f60aU0001f602
I pretty much do all my shopping except groceries, at op shops. When my kids say they need a specific item, I know I’ll find it in one of my haunts. They think I’m crazy until I come up with the goods!
me to! Having trouble finding trackies though
keep looking U0001f62c