Join Our Revolution of #kindnessandhope

It’s getting harder, this holding onto hope. The daily onslaught of terrible news, how we are destroying the planet, destroying ourselves. The selfish, self-interested liars, who dangle their power across our faces, making choices most of us don’t want. Seeing the children, marching for change, feeling frightened nobody will care. Reading comments on social media that dig into your heart, reminding you there’s so many people who have no empathy, no equality, no humanity. It’s getting harder to hold onto hope.
But, we must.

We must grasp hope with both hands and clutch it to our hearts. We must fill ourselves up with love, with those who would change the world for the better. We must stand with our children. We must look upon their beautiful faces as they wake in the morning, filled with potential, filled with the hope of growing up, and tell them everything’s going to be alright. We must hold each other, because that’s what hope is – the potential for love to change the world.

Join our community and become part of the kindness and hope revolution. Let’s change the conversation. Let’s acknowledge our sadness and grief about our planet, but also, let’s stand together and make a difference. Let’s see the joy in our planet so we can stay on the path to keeping her safe and healthy. Let’s do this together, with kindness and hope, for our children’s futures. We must acknowledge and linger in our climate grief and eco-anxiety. It is crucial that we sit with these feelings, they are important and real and should not be pushed away. It is also crucial that we stay with kindness and hope, so that we can flourish and thrive into the future and do the best, for all of us. Let’s do that together.
Helen, John and family x


  1. Helen on June 18, 2019 at 11:15 am

    Hear Hear.

    • helene on June 20, 2019 at 6:39 am

      thank you x

  2. […] and adults and children across the globe, are feeling the weight of hopelessness. But without hope, there is […]

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