Posts Tagged ‘poetry’
She Breathes Autumn
Over on twitter, one of our #AusWrites prompts this month is to describe autumn using senses other than sight. Here’s mine. Come and join us for beautiful support and lots of fun! Search #AusWrites She breathesSweet comfort-filledEarth takes awayBitternessOf SummerFadingWinter’s fingersBrushing ever soLightlyAcross her faceWinds ridingDown throughValleysRustling amongstFalling leavesTaste of sweetApplesOn her lipsShe breathes **Image DescriptionRed-gold trees stand…
Read MoreShall We Dance
Shall we danceWith normality,That strange placeWhere everything feelsComfortablePredictableAs per usual?Will we step outEmerging from our cocoons,Unfurling our wingsUnwrapping ourselvesTo run to othersWaiting with open arms?Will we find the spacesWe once inhabited,UntouchedUnchangedHovering for us, as ifTime could press pause?Or will we tiptoeGentlyCautiously,With reverence and careWith new eyesAnd careful hearts,To discoverA better version of ourselves,Looking forwardLooking backHolding…
Read MoreFear Not The Sea
Fear not, For the sea shan’t Let us down. It will be waiting, Its predictable tides Its quiet ripples Its tumbling waves, Ready for our emergence From our quiet places, From our loss Of each other, From our yearning For the freedom Of wide open spaces. It will be waiting, For our toes to dabble…
Read MoreMiraculous Gratitude
Miraculous My body, Broken parts pushing me flat, Holding me to ransom, Becoming my prison. My mind, rising up, Seeing the whole picture, Birds across sky, black arcs calling through warm winds, Blue skies rolling over dusky pink mountains, Silver seas tumbling gently over golden sands. My heart filled with stories, Woven by people, Warmed by…
Read MoreIn The Stillness of The Morning
Amongst spring flowers and birds waking, in seeping darkness my family sleeps. Silently, I start another day another turn, around the sun. Despite all the things that are broken, in the world and in myself, I wake with hope. I hold onto hope clasping her gently in my hands, like a fragile seed waiting to…
Read MoreSometimes, You Just Need to Breathe
Sometimes, you just need to breathe. You need to go to the sea, where the world becomes a dome of silver and blue, and the horizon never ends. You yearn to touch the soft, gritty sand, beneath your feet, between your toes, to become weightless, as you float in the salty water, face turned to…
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