Kaleidoscopes and Rainbows

Sami says, ‘Good morning and Happy Monday😍 No matter what you’re facing today, remember to love someone, sniff them, sit on them, look them deeply in the eyes, always keep talking, tell them your fears, snuggle lots.’ Our beautiful rescue girl has had gut issues and high reactive anxiety on lead since we got her in…

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Fear Not The Sea

coobowie bay isolation poetry fear not the sea

Fear not, For the sea shan’t Let us down. It will be waiting, Its predictable tides Its quiet ripples Its tumbling waves, Ready for our emergence From our quiet places, From our loss Of each other, From our yearning For the freedom Of wide open spaces. It will be waiting, For our toes to dabble…

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On Waiting to Be a Writer

tips on waiting to be a writer

When I was a girl, dreaming about becoming a writer one day, waiting never factored into it. There were misty scenes of me sitting at an old oak desk by a dormer window, in a light-filled loft room of an English country home. I gazed out upon the Jane Austen style garden, with obligatory fountain…

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We wake across the country, yet again choking on smoke and ash, even those of us removed from the horror of the fires. They touch us all in some way. We see repeated images of traumatised animals and devastated habitats, people who are like the walking dead, the bad and the terrible side of human…

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How to Create a More Mindful & Sustainable Home

how to create a more mindful and sustainable home

With the invention of social media there are more and more ways to see beautiful images and information all of the time, which can be inspirational. But it can also give you the sense that everyone else is living some kind of  ‘perfect’ life. This definition of perfect, is driven by consumerism. This is not…

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Let It Go

how to let go of anxiety and deal with the haters on social media

In the chaos of the world, do you wonder what on earth you are doing sometimes? Does worrying become your everyday companion? Does the relentless stream of information coming at you, make you feel like you are drowning? It can feel like everything is pointless. It can feel like there is nothing you can do…

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